Moving from Salesforce Classic to Salesforce Lightning
Salesforce Lightning Framework is a modern framework that develops dynamic web applications for both mobiles and desktops. This technology helps develop a single page applications that are specially engineered for growth. Salesforce Lightning Framework is a component framework. Moving from traditional framework to a component framework is beneficial for the developers and the quality of application built. This type of framework componentizes the app providing it a reusable functionality that helps the developers in being more productive and creative without having the workload and responsibility on a single mind.
What is Salesforce Lightning?
More than just a new, more modern-looking skin, it’s a completely different UI for (SFDC), it really is mobile ready (if not yet mobile optimized) and it really has completely different technical underpinnings than SFDC’s Classic UI and VisualForce. SFDC’s engineers have put a ton of thought and hundreds of man-years of development effort into the user experience, technical infrastructure, APIs, tools and documentation (both the “Trail Heads” and classic reference docs).
Advantages of Switching from Salesforce Classic to Lightning
The swift application development, better portal development through Lightning Bolt, mobile first sync capacity, and Lightning for Visualforce offers advantages at multiple levels –
• 70% faster time to market thanks to quicker application development
• 37% increase in customer revenue growth
• 44% boost in sales productivity
Firstly, there are plenty of reasons for making a switch to Salesforce Lightning, but it’s not an easy business as flipping a switch. For many organizations, migrating to Salesforce Lightning is a painstaking process that requires months of research, planning, and testing. This is a good enough reason for many to avoid migration entirely or wait until they’re forced to make the inevitable upgrade from Classic.
However, upgrading to Salesforce Lightning need not be painful for the organisation. With the right approach to research, planning, and testing with the KCloud technologies, you can make this process of upgradation a smooth and seamless experience.
What makes the Lightning different from the Salesforce Classic?
Although there are quite a number of things that will make you move from the classic to Salesforce Lightning but the top reasons that will make up your mind for a quick switch are given as under:
• Presence of Einstein: The next generation AI tool is the way ahead in CRM. This does all the analysis of your data, weeds out patterns, and makes intelligent recommendations as per your specific business or team process. This integration of AI is introduced with Lightning upgrade.
• Custom branding and Composer windows: In addition to Einstein, these two features are unique only to Lightning. With Composer windows, sales and field rep need not juggle multiple browsers for multiple actions. Custom branding ensures singular and consistent branding within the CRM interface exposed to the customers
• Mobile friendly: In case of loss of connectivity, sales team need not wait to feed in key details. They can do so on their mobile on the spot. When the connectivity is back, the data from mobile is automatically synced on the web
• Steelbrick CPQ integration: Proposals, quotes, contracts, quick access to sales information for sales person, is a key feature enabled by Salesforce acquisition of Steelbrick
• Service cloud integration: Transform field agents to intelligence officers with apt amount of knowledge, case histories, dashboards, and customer profiles made available to them at the right time.
After we’ve been thoroughly convinced to make the switch from Salesforce Classsic to Lightning, the next matter to be solved is the method or process to do it. The next section will cover how to make a switch from Classic to Lightning.
How to move from Classic to Lightning?
While now moving to Lightning is exciting but for very obvious reasons it wouldn’t be a wise decision to do it all at once. It requires a careful analysis and planning.
Some of the features users want simply aren’t available yet on Lightning. With each release, this list has although gotten shorter now. Still, there are some Classic features that will never be re-implemented for good reasons. You’ll just have to figure out a substitute and talk any irate users off the ceiling, convincing them that their pet feature (for example, having up to 10 columns in related list displays) was bad for them all along.
We also have to face the fact that some App Exchange goodies (particularly the freebies) won’t make the transition to Lightning.
The switching can be easily done with KCloud technologies in 3 simple steps:
• Evaluate
• Prepare
• Migrate
• Assess the organizational needs
• Conduct a gap analysis
• Take Lightning for a test drive
• You can try out the Lightning Experience with the following steps:
• Click your name in the top-right header
• In the dropdown, select Switch to Lightning Experience
• To return to the Classic experience, do the following:
• Click on the avatar in the top-right header
• In the dropdown, select Switch to Salesforce Classic
• Check Lightning Experience Readiness
• Talk to a Salesforce consultant
If you are considering that how the change will affect each team and individual within your organization, you are setting the foundation for a smooth and successful transition. You can do it by conducting an analysis of your current Salesforce environment, developing a migration strategy with goals and a roadmap, and creating a plan for training and support.
• Analyze the current environment
• Develop a migration strategy
• Create a plan for training and support
During the stage where you are planning the migration, a roadmap is itself created to outline for:
• What work needs to be completed
• How long the work will take to complete
• Who will be involved with completing said work
For many organizations, a large chunk of the roadmap will be dedicated to what happens right before migration — something we like to call the pre-flipping-the-switch stage. This process is unique to every organization and depends on their migration strategy.
The migration from Salesforce Classic to Salesforce Lightning doesn’t have to be a painful experience with our right approach to research, planning, and testing. A successful seamless transition van be done with it.
If your organization is still indecisive about the migration of Classic to Lightning or it sounds like a whole lot of complicated work to be involved, there is no need to worry! KCloud Technologies are certified Salesforce consultants and can help you through the very phases of the transition from Salesforce Classic to Salesforce Lightning.
Some of our Lightning Implementations Screenshots-

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